Welcome to my personal team page. Please don't hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions.
I practise general medicine in a multi-professional health centre and am a lecturer in general medicine at Grenoble Alpes University.
My research focuses on anticoagulants.
My field of study is in primary care, using a variety of methodologies: cohort follow-up, quasi-interventional studies, clinical trials and analysis of care pathways using massive databases.
Primary care, Anticoagulants, Bleeding risk scores
available on HAL
OBSAntico project (2024 - 2026): HDH funding. Construction of an anticoagulant observatory by cross-referencing the P4DP (Platform for Data in Primary care) - PREDIMED (Grenoble University Hospital database) - SNDS (Health Insurance) databases.
Hydro-Covid project (2021-2024): Randomised, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial testing the efficacy and safety of molecular hydrogen in Covid-19
LoCovIQ project (2022-2024): Construction and validation of a long Covid severity score
CACAO project: Comparison of haemorrhagic events of oral anticoagulants. Cohort follow-up in primary care, quasi-interventional studies, propensity score