Introduction team

According to the geneticist Theodozius Dobzhansky (1973), nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. A current version of this quotation could add a light of genomics, the revolution of the 21rst century in the biological field. How not to see the dramatic progress and the implication of genomics for medicine, for the study of cancers, infections by pathogens, genetic or environmental diseases, associated treatments, etc.

By developing models and methods for the analysis of genomic data (in the broad sense), the MAGE group is part of the radical transformation of biological sciences and their fusion with computational sciences and mathematics. The team is strongly interdisciplinary, composed of biologists and mathematicians mastering the multiple facets of computational biology. The team objectives include four major areas of research, and new computational themes.

Scientific theme and general objectives

Computational and statistical models for the analysis of genomes, methylomes, exomes, metagenomes, transcriptomes and interactomes in order to answer biological, ecological and clinical questions.


In particular, for 2023-2024, we have opportunities in the following research fields :

  • Computational approaches to study tumor heterogeneity and evolution of cancer cells populations (PI: Magali Richard; Offered positions: M2 internship, PhD thesis, postdoc; Fundings : ANR, Plan Cancer MIC)
  • Integrative analysis of multi-omic data for the prioritization of genomic variants (PI: Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, co-PI Sébastien DéjeanOffered positions: M2 internship, PhD thesis,  Funding: PEPR Santé Numérique)
  • Computational modeling of bacterial evolutionary dynamics (PI : Antoine Frenoy; Offered positions: PhD thesis or postdoc; Funding: MIAI)

If you would like to find out about internship, PhD or postdoc opportunities with our team, please send us your CV and motivations.

Research topics
  • Analysis of genetic and epigenetic deregulations in cancers: characterization of inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity (PI: Magali Richard).
  • Environmental genomics and epigenetics: mediation of environmental exposures, predictive molecular ecology (PI: Olivier François).
  • Evolution of microorganisms and metagenomics: competition and innovation in bacterial communities (PI: Antoine Frénoy).
  • Bioinformatics of NGS data: exome-seq, CNVs, genotype-calling, variant prioritization, and applications to infertility (PI: Nicolas Thierry-Mieg).
  • Any other axis welcome!
Research Programs
Research Programs

- COMETH (EIT Health). Characterization of intra-tumor heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer.

- ETAPE (ANR-18-CE36-0005), SMOKE P3 (INCA-IRESP). Prenatal exposure to tobacco consumption and effects on child health: role of placental methylation.

- MIM-REG (CNRS) Integrative modeling for the prediction of transcriptional regulations.

- TRAGICOMIC (IRS - UGA) Gene transfer, innovation and competition in microbial communities.

- FLAGEL-OME (ANR-19-CE17-0014) Fundamental, genetic and clinical aspects of male infertility caused by severe abnormalities of the sperm flagella.


Team members

Team coordinator(s)

Permanent members

Others members

PhD students

Primary collaborations and grants
  • IAB

  • IRD Montpellier

  • Inserm

  • LECA

  • LJK

  • Inria

  • Ensimag (Grenoble INP): more than 5 courses taught by members of the team (statistics, machine learning, data structures, etc)
  • Master of industrial and applied mathematics (MSIAM): computational biology course
  • Master "modèles, innovation technologique, imagerie" en biologie et santé (MITI)



Address: Bâtiment Taillefer, Rond-Point de la Croix de Vie, 38000 La Tronche