Armida L. GOMEZ LARA PhD Defense on 06/11/19

PhD Defense of Armida Leticia GOMEZ LARA from DyCTIM² teams on June the 11th at 9:30 am: “A novel anisotropic elasticity-palpography IVUS imaging tool and characterization of the viscoelasto-plastic properties of angioplasty balloon: towards a better assessment and treatment of coronary artery diseases”. Place: Room109 of Bâtiment Boucherle, Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie, La Tronche

Exceptional seminar with Tadeusz J. KAWECKI From Lausanne University on 02/27/19

We are pleased to welcome Tadeusz J. KAWECKI, lecturer from the University of Lausanne, invited by Dominique Schneider for an exceptional seminar on Wednesday 27 February at 10:30am : « Adaptation to chronic malnutrition: insights from experimental evolution in Drosophila ». Place : room 511 (5th stage) at Jean Roget building, Faculté de médecine, Domaine de la Merci.


PhD Defense of Henrique MARTINNI RAMOS DE OLIVEIRA from BioMMat team on october the fifth at 9:30am :

 " Study of thermomechanical couplings in nanostructured superelastic nickel-titanium wires" 

Place : Salle 109, Bâtiment Boucherle, Faculté de Pharmacie Grenoble

Jury et thesis supervision :

    Pr Denis FAVIER, Professeur UGA, TIMC-IMAG, Director
    Pr Hervé LOUCHE, Professeur de l’Université Montpellier, Co-Director

    Pr Shabnam ARBAB CHIRANI, Professeur de l’École