Interview of Anne Maître by Christine Demeillers

Interview with Pr Anne Maître


Your proudest achievement

Creating the "Occupational and Environmental Toxicology" hospital laboratory alongside the "Environment and Population Health Prediction" university team. And above all, to have found two young successors "who look like me", i.e. who work in the same spirit of a small family where we dare to say things to each other, and who are keen to create a world in which we are happy to work. That makes me really happy.


The greatest

Sophie Abby, chercheuse en biologie évolutive à TIMC TrEE, reçoit la Médaille de Bronze du CNRS

Sophie ABBY a reçu la médaille de bronze du CNRS 2023 ! Chercheuse en biologie évolutive, après des études combinant biologie et informatique, Sophie étudie au sein du laboratoire TIMC et de l'équipe TrEE l'évolution des génomes de procaryotes (bactéries et archées) en utilisant des approches comparatives et la phylogénétique. Elles s'intéresse de près à l'évolution moléculaire et aux mécanismes permettant la diversification fonctionnelle.


The cami day will take place on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Started in 2012 for 8 years, the Computer Assisted Medical Interventions Laboratory of Excellence (CAMI Labex) has been extended for 5 more years. The 6 partners are eager to present you CAMI collaborative achievements and future plans in a one-day online event. The program includes keynote speakers, presentations of CAMI partners and alumni, as well as video demonstrations.

Coronavirus: TIMC obstructs!

Coronavirus: TIMC obstructs! Let's work remotely and let's protect each other! Starting tomorrow, March 16, and until further notice, anything that can be done remotely MUST be done remotely. You are only allowed to come to your workplace if your presence is stated in TIMC's « Activity Continuity Plan". If you are not in this case, you are allowed to work at distance.

New performance of the Grenoble team at the iGEM 2019 competition

Congratulations to the entire Grenoble team, which once again distinguished itself at the end of October in Boston during the iGEM 2019 (international Genetically Engineered Machine competition) organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thanks to the "Neurodrop" project, the 13 students from the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble INP-Phelma, Grenoble INP Ensimag, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) and Sciences Po won the Gold Award and 3 exceptional nominations: "Best diagnostics project, Best software tool, Best new composite part".

News project VIP Room « VIrtual reality for oPerating Room »

The TIMC ThEMAS team and the Université Grenoble Alpes are collaborating with GEM, Grenoble École de Management, Imperial College London, the University of Heidelberg and the start-up Simango to launch the VIP Room project, and offer the first training using simulation & virtual reality for infection prevention at the surgical site. Such a tool will make it possible to provide early training to better familiarize students with this sensitive environment, by raising their awareness and training them in a fun way on hygiene rules and infection control.

’Inovotion’ : english


L’hebdomadaire ’BREF ECO’ revient sur le développement de la start-up ’Inovotion’ et l’obtention du financement du projet FUI ’Inovoline’.

Inovotion révolutionne le marché des tests précliniques de principes actifs avec la commercialisation d’une technologie nouvelle et performante pour valider l’efficacité et la toxicité de molécules anticancéreuses.
L’approche repose sur la culture de tumeurs humaines dans des œufs embryonnés de poulet et permet l’évaluation in vivo de potentielles