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Phone: 04 76 76 54 97
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I am Professor/Hospital Pharmacist in clinical pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University Grenoble Alpes. I share my professional activities between the hospital (management and clinical pharmacy in pneumology), teaching clinical pharmacy, and research on medications and clinical pharmacy within the ThEMAS research team (TIMC-IMAG department of the French National Center for Scientific Research CNRS). I am interested in research evaluating the role of the clinical pharmacist and reducing adverse drug events including evaluation of health technologies (CPOE, automated drug dispensing system,...) and big data/AI in health.
Since 2018, I am President of the French Association of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Professors (ANEPC).

Research themes

- Adverse drug events prevention
- Health information technology
- Pharmacoepidemiology/Big data

My research, linked to the hospital pharmacy activity, focuses on innovation for the reduction of drug and therapeutic risks. This research covers two aspects contributing to the Bon Usage du Médicament (Medication Good Use):
1. The development and evaluation of Health Information Technology (information systems, databases, big data, personnal pharmaceutical record, telemedicine ...).
2. The development of health professionals and patients learning skills (professional practice switch, collaborative care, Therapeutic Education).
Thus, I investigate any type of innovative strategy, technical, computerized, organizational, pedagogical, to improve the practices of healthcare stakeholders (providers and patients).


Adverse drug events prevention
Health information technology
Pharmacoepidemiology/Big data

Supervised thesis
Léa LIAIGRE : "Intelligence artificielle pour la prédiction de l'impact clinique des trajectoires médicamenteuses : application à la transplantation d'organes solides"

5 significant publications:

1.    Duwez M, Chanoine S, Lepelley M, Vo TH, Pluchart H, Mazet R, Allenet B, Pison C, Briault A, Saint-Raymond C, Camara B, Claustre J, Bedouch P. Clinical evaluation of pharmacists’ interventions on multidisciplinary lung transplant outpatients’ management: results of a 7-year observational study British Medical Journal Open 2020.
2.    Lepelley M, Genty C, Lecoanet A, Allenet B, Bedouch P, Mallaret MR, Gillois P, Bosson JL. Electronic Medication Regimen Complexity Index at admission and complications during hospitalization in medical wards: A tool to improve quality of care? International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2018.
3.    Vo TH, Bardet JD, Charpiat B, Leyrissoux C, Gravoulet J, Allenet B, Conort O, Bedouch P. Validation of a tool for reporting pharmacists' interventions in everyday community pharmacy. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2018.
4.    Charpiat B, Bedouch P, Tod M, Allenet B. Classifying pharmacists’ interventions recorded in observational databases: Are they all necessary and appropriate? Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2017.
5.    Bedouch P, Sadatsafavi M, Marra CA, FitzGerald JM, Lynd LD. Trends in asthma-related direct medical costs from 2002 to 2007 in British Columbia, Canada: a population based-cohort study. PlosOne 2012.


1.    Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
2.    Hospital Pharmacy
3.    Communication / Patient education
4.    IA / Medical Device / Drug data

Public: Pharmacy, Medicine and Paramedical students in initial or continuing education

Projects : To adapt courses to the evolution of health professionals continuing education.
To develop e-learning teaching.


Observatoire Act-IP© ( ; Société Française de Pharmacie Clinique)
Base de données sur le médicament THERIAQUE (CNHIM)
MIAM : Maladies, Interactions Alimentation-Médicaments (ANR 2016)
MEDREV : Impact de la révision des prescriptions médicamenteuses sur la sécurité et le coût de la prise en charge médicamenteuse de patients âgés (au moins 65 ans) hospitalisés en centre hospitalier universitaire (PREPS 2014, Ministère de la Santé)
DP-CONCIL : Evaluation de l’apport du Dossier Pharmaceutique électronique sur la qualité de la conciliation médicamenteuse lors de la consultation d’anesthésie (PREPS 2012, Ministère de la Santé)


Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), participation au groupe de travail « Certification des logiciels d’aide à la dispensation hospitaliers » (Expert SFPC)
CORE Collaboration for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE), Pr LD Lynd (, UBC Vancouver
Société Française de Pharmacie Clinique (SFPC), groupe de travail « Valorisation des Interventions Pharmaceutiques »