Introduction team

The MESP team aims to cover all the dimensions necessary for the scientific valorization of complex data in three main areas: Pharmacoepidemiology, Perinatality and disability and Prevention of risks induced by the management of acute situations including infections associated with care and cardiovascular risks.

Scientific theme and general objectives

In public health, as in many other fields, technological advances have led to the increase but also to the complexity of the information that can be collected. Whether through the multiplicity of collection sources or the form of the information, the addition of data from connected objects also makes it scalable, underlining once again the complexity of the data generated.

Nevertheless, the use of this data continues to present many interests in medicine: identification of disease risk factors, assistance with diagnosis, epidemiology, etc., but will also give rise to new challenges in their treatment. The MESP team, which is organized around a pole competent in both public health and statistics, will allow :

  • To ask the "right" questions due to the presence of health professionals;
  • To know the data acquisition process and its complexity;
  • To manage the ethical, regulatory and methodological aspects to be implemented for the use of this type of data;
  • To develop new statistical approaches to analyze them according to the problems they may generate.


Research topics

Statistical developments for complex medical data

  • Data mining methods (machine learning, interactive exploration, graph analysis, ... ) for the purpose of partitioning, classification or prediction;
  • Dimension reduction methods;
  • Functional data or time series modeling adapted to new means of data acquisition such as connected objects;
  • Mixed model types;
  • Models combining data of different types: variables to be compressed (images, radio, etc.) and "classic" clinical data.

Development of methodology to adapt complex data to the quality requirements of clinical research.

  • Integration of complex data into the clinical research process ;
  • Control of data quality upstream;
  • Tools for planning a project with arguments to rationally establish a reasonable number of subjects;
  • Analysis strategy to optimize the reproducibility and readability of results;
  • Ethical issues of artificial intelligence.

Applications of these developments to the team's health topics.


Current research programs


Blood biomarkers to improve the management of mild traumatic BRAIN Injury
Supervisor(s) : Jean-Luc Bosson
Contract : EIT Health - [2020-2020]
BRAINI will assess the performance of an automated blood test that can be used to prevent unnecessary CT brain scans for patients with a mild traumatic brain injury. The blood test measures two brain-specific proteins that are known to be elevated in patients who have intracranial lesions.


Unlock the lock-down with COVID19 status certificates
Supervisor(s) : Jean-Luc Bosson
Contract : EIT Health - [2020-2020]
This project proposes to develop a privacy-by-design COVID19 status certificate – telling whether a person is infected, free of infection or immune. The solution would first be available to health care professionals and then other workers.


Virtual reality for the operating room
Supervisor(s) : Caroline Landelle
Contract : EIT Health - [2020-2022]
The objective of this project is to develop an effective educational tool to teach medical students about the prevention of surgical site infections. The innovative training developed by this project consists of a fun virtual reality operating room scenario. Virtual reality allows students to immerse themselves in the operating room environment and identify risk situations. Rather than focusing on mistakes, the fun and memorable training positively steers students towards potential success.
Recent research programs


Supervisor(s) : Jérôme FAUCONNIER
Issues of Successful Transitions to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities: Exploring Social Participation, Health and Quality of Life from a Lifelong Perspective.


Team members

Team coordinator(s)

Permanent members

Others members

PhD students


Current thesis :

  • Laura ALBALADEJO : "Innovations technologiques en nutrition : du dépistage au changement de comportement " (framed by Jean-Luc BOSSON , Cécile BETRY )
  • Meghann GALLOUCHE : "Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infections: risk factors and prevention methods " (framed by Caroline LANDELLE )
  • Lila KREBS-DROUOT : "La médecine légale en tant que discipline transversale, intégration de données multiples en vue de l'amélioration des pratiques de santé " (framed by Virginie SCOLAN (CERDAP²) , Jean-Luc BOSSON )
  • Léa LIAIGRE : "Intelligence artificielle pour la prédiction de l'impact clinique des trajectoires médicamenteuses : application à la transplantation d'organes solides " (framed by Pierrick BEDOUCH )


Address: Laboratoire TIMC, Equipe MESP, Pavillon TAILLEFER, 38700 LA TRONCHE - FRANCE