A Novel Algorithm for Heart Rate Estimation Based on Synchrosqueezing Transform - Archive ouverte HAL
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2021

A Novel Algorithm for Heart Rate Estimation Based on Synchrosqueezing Transform


To estimate the heart rate (HR) from electrocardiogram (ECG), time-frequency representations such as the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is often used. As the STFT is constrained by the choice of a specific analysis window used for its definition, we alternatively propose to estimate HR from a synchrosqueezed STFT. More precisely, we build a novel algorithm inspired by non-negative matrix factorization to estimate HR by determining the minimal Wasserstein distance between a synchrosqueezed STFT and columns of a specific dictionary matrix. Throughout numerical simulations carried out on both synthetic and real ECGs, we show in what way to use a synchrosqueezed STFT rather than STFT improves HR estimation.
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hal-03544794 , version 1 (01-04-2022)



Nils Laurent, Sylvain Meignen, Julie Fontecave-Jallon, Bertrand Rivet. A Novel Algorithm for Heart Rate Estimation Based on Synchrosqueezing Transform. EUSIPCO 2021 - 29th European Signal Processing Conference, Aug 2021, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1286-1290, ⟨10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9616306⟩. ⟨hal-03544794⟩
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