Pregnancy and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: 2022 recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society
Background: In 2020, the French Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society (SFSEP) decided to develop a national evidence-based consensus on pregnancy in MS. As neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) shares a series of commonalities with MS, but also some significant differences, specific recommendations had to be developed.Objectives: To establish recommendations on pregnancy in women with NMOSD.Methods: The French Group for Recommendations in Multiple Sclerosis (France4MS) reviewed PubMed and universities databases (January 1975 through June 2021). The RAND/UCLA appropriateness method, which was developed to synthesise the scientific literature and expert opinions on health care topics, was used to reach a formal agreement. Fifty-six MS experts worked on the full-text review and initial wording of recommendations. A sub-group of nine NMOSD experts was dedicated to analysing available data on NMOSD. A group of 62 multidisciplinary healthcare specialists validated the final proposal of summarised evidence.Results: A strong agreement was reached for all 66 proposed recommendations. They cover diverse topics, such as pregnancy planning, follow-up during pregnancy and postpartum, delivery routes, loco-regional analgesia or anaesthesia, prevention of postpartum relapses, breastfeeding, vaccinations, reproductive assistance, management of relapses, and disease-modifying treatments.Conclusion: Physicians and patients should be aware of the new and specific evidence-based recommendations of the French MS Society for pregnancy in women with NMOSD. They should help harmonise counselling and treatment practise, allowing for better individualised choices.