Advancing Interprofessional Education in Pharmacy in French-speaking countries: Insights from CIDPHARMEF Survey - Archive ouverte HAL
Poster De Conférence Année : 2024

Advancing Interprofessional Education in Pharmacy in French-speaking countries: Insights from CIDPHARMEF Survey


Integration of Interprofessional Education (IPE), in partnership with patients and families, in pharmacy training reflects the advancement of interprofessional practice. CIDPHARMEF, an association comprising 62 French-speaking Faculties/Schools of Pharmacy (FoPs) from 21 countries, shows variation in IPE adoption. A CIDPHARMEF working group aims to raise awareness among pharmacy faculties of the importance of teaching collaborative practice/patient partnership and to support the implementation of IPE activities adapted to local pharmaceutical care. In 2023, a survey was sent to deans of the 62 FoPs to identify FoPs offering IPE and map available educational resources. Its six main themes were: school demographics, IPE teaching strategy, IPE curriculum structure, teaching organization, student competence assessment, research on IPE, and IPE development perspectives. Thirty FoPs (48.4%) responded, with 23 in high, 2 in medium and 5 in low Human Development Index (HDI) countries. Seventeen faculties, all in high HDI countries, are currently involved in IPE activities, 10 of which having been offering IPE for over 5 years. Four plan to implement IPE. The average IPE teaching hours per student is 42.6 hours (SD = 39.0; min <20h; max >100h); IPE starts in the 2nd year in 6 faculties and is proposed in the final years (5th and 6th) in 15 faculties. IPE activities offered to pharmacy students mainly involve medical (84.2%) and nursing students (73.7%) among others. Local demand primarily drives IPE development. IPE is led by interfaculty entities in 7 universities and is managed directly by the FoP in 6 others. Only 2 faculties have a dedicated space for IPE, and 5 have trained teachers in IPE. This survey is the first step in supporting the development of IPE curricula and the involvement of patients as educators in French-speaking countries. The next step is to create a repository of shared French pedagogical materials and experiences.
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Dates et versions

hal-04833535 , version 1 (12-12-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04833535 , version 1


Jean-Didier Bardet, Marie Paule Schneider, Béatrice Kauffman, Luigi Flora, Annie Standaert, et al.. Advancing Interprofessional Education in Pharmacy in French-speaking countries: Insights from CIDPHARMEF Survey. 82nd FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sep 2024, Cape town, South Africa. Pharmacy education, 24 (7), 2024. ⟨hal-04833535⟩
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