PhD defense of Cindy Dopierala on 04/06/22

PhD defense of Cindy Dopierala from the team PRETA on april, the 6th at 4:30pm:
« Design and development of an implantable medical device integrated
with a secure remote solution for monitoring and predicting the decompensation of heart failure. »
Place: Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment Boucherle, 23 avenue des Maquis du Grésivaudan, 38700 La Tronche
- PIERRE-YVES GUMERY, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Supervisor
- JEAN-YVES LE GUENNEC, Professeur des Universités, Université de MONTPELLIER, Reporter
- NADIA BUTTERLIN-FILLON, Maître de conférences HDR, Université de FRANCHE-COMTE, Reporter
- MICHEL GALINIER, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université Fédérale de Toulouse, Examiner
- SKANDAR BASROUR, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Examiner
- FRANÇOIS BOUCHER, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Co-supervisor
Multimodality, Heart failure, ECG, SCG, bioimpedance
The monitoring of chronic diseases is a major issue of the 21st century. Among these diseases, heart failure alone accounts for 26 million cases worldwide. This complex, multifaceted pathology is marked by repeated episodes of decompensation that lead patients to numerous hospitalizations. It is therefore necessary to be able to ensure daily monitoring in order to detect aggravations early and limit hospital stays to patients.
With this in mind, SentinHealth company is developing a home monitoring tool. The solution, composed of a device implanted in the wall of the stomach, acquires electrophysiological and mechanical signals from which parameters such as heart rate, amplitude of heart sounds or congestion/visceral edema can be estimated.
This thesis aims to support Sentinhealth in the device's rise to maturity, from a technological concept (TRL 2) to the demonstration of a prototype in a representative environment (TRL 6). Its objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of monitoring cardiac function over the long term and monitoring the evolution of early indicators of decompensation. The work began on a phase of understanding the syndrome and defining the markers of interest. This definition laid the first bricks of specifications for the gastric measurement device, allowing the implantation of different prototypes in physiological and pathological conditions in animals. The signals acquired in this context were analyzed to build a methodology for evaluating the performance of the measurement device with regard to the clinical context.
At the end of these years of thesis, iterative prototyping resulted in a measuring device currently being industrialized for implantation in humans in 2022. Animal experimentation campaigns in physiological and pathological conditions have given rise to a database of electrophysiological and accelerometric signals. These signals highlighted the feasibility of monitoring heart function from a device implanted in the stomach. However, an optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio remains to be done to increase the number of usable acquisitions in order to ensure robust monitoring from a single acquisition per day. New investigations must also be carried out to ensure stabilization of the implantation in the stomach wall by endoscopic route.