PhD Defense of Hélène Pluchart on 12/15/21

PhD defense of Hélène Pluchart from TIMC MESP team on December, the 15th at 3pm:

« Analysis of the impact of polymedication and comorbidities
in hospitalized patients with bronchopulmonary cancer »


bullet Jury:

  • PIERRICK BEDOUCH, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université Grenoble Alpes, Director
  • CHRISTOS CHOUAID, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université Paris 12 - Val de Marne, Reporter
  • NICOLAS GUIBERT, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université fédérale de Toulouse, Reporter
  • ANNE-CLAIRE TOFFART, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université Grenoble Alpes, Co-director
  • SAMUEL LIMAT, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université de Besançon - Franche Comté, Examiner
  • THIERRY BERGHMANS, Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Examiner

bullet Key words:  

lung cancer, polypharmacy, overall survival

bullet Abstract:

Impact of polypharmacy and comorbidities in hospitalized patients having lung cancer
Patients with lung cancer may have comorbidities that are pre-existing at diagnosis or that appear after anticancer treatment. These comorbidities may have an impact on the decision to treat with anticancer treatment as well as on the survival of patients. In addition, these comorbidities that appear before or after diagnosis can lead to polypharmacy. This polypharmacy can potentially lead to drug interactions with the anticancer treatment, and thus have an impact on the patient's management.
In this work, we assessed the link between lung cancer cancer, comorbidities, polymedication, and their consequences on the performance of systemic treatment and on patient survival. In the first part, a narrative review of the literature was performed and we proposed a synthesis of current knowledge on the link between these entities, and in particular on what has already been described in lung cancer. In the second part, the protocol of this study, which is complex in terms of its design but also in terms of its statistical analysis has been described. Then in the third part, we focused on comorbidities and the calculation of comorbidity scores. A comparison study of comorbidity scores was carried out in order to choose the score that best predicted mortality in the patient cohort. Finally, the impact of polypharmacy and comorbidities on systemic treatment completion and median survival of patients was studied.
Keywords: Lung cancer, comorbidities, polypharmacy, medication, survival models