Senior CNRS Research Director (DR1)
His main research interests concern the biomechanical modeling of soft tissue and their integration into medical devices used to assist surgeons for planning (pre-operative surgical assistance) or to guide them during surgery (intra-operative guidance). The corresponding applications concern plastic and maxillofacial surgery, breast cancer treatment, neurosurgery, orthopedics and rehabilitation, based on organs (face, tongue, eyes, breast, brain) or musculoskeletal models (lower limb, including bones and soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, fat and skin). Yohan Payan cosupervises with J. Ohayon the Biomechanics of Living Organs Serie (Elsevier) and is Associate Editor of the Clinical Biomechanics journal, responsible for papers focusing on soft tissue biomechanics. Yohan Payan represents TIMC inside the OrthoSim Joint Laboratory, gathering TIMC (CNRS & UGA), the company TwinSight Medical and the hospital CHU Grenoble Alpes. He is also president of the Société de Biomécanique.
Publications of Yohan Payan - CV HAL
pdf files of these publications
ResearchGate, Scholar Google, Publons, PubMed & Web of Science
Framed Thesis:
Defended PhD: Yohan Payan did supervise more than 30 PhD students : Defended PhD
Participation to Committees : Yohan Payan was member of PhD and Habilitation Committees : Committees
Yohan Payan is involved in many scientific projects among the following ones (from the most recent to the oldest):
- Project MorphoTwin of lower limbs digital twins: « Jumeaux numériques biomécaniques pour l’exploration des locomotions bipèdes humaines et non-humaines »
- Biomechanical modeling of the facial and lingual tissues
- Project funded by the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM) : « Medical Imaging for the generation of personalized biomechanical models of the lower limb: applications to ankle arthrodesis and tibial osteotomy »
- European project STINTS : « Skin Tissue INTegrity under Shear »
- In vivo and ex vivo characterization of soft tissue constitutive laws
- Biomechanical modeling of the buttocks
- Biomechanical modeling of the foot
- Biomechanical modeling of the breast
- Biomechanical modeling of the brain
- Biomechanical modeling of the lungs
Some Media News Articles
Some Videos
Yohan Payan has collaborations with many researchers and clinicians, as well as industrial partnerships. He was the Chair of the EPUAP Scientific Committee (EPUAP: European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel).
Scientific collaborations of Yohan Payan