PhD defense of Noémie Briot on 11/29/2022
PhD defense of Noémie Briot from TIMC BIOMÉCA team on november the 29th at 2pm:
« Ex vivo and in vivo characterisation of biological soft tissues
for the biomechanical modelling of human breast. »
Place: Amphithéâtre Lemarchands, Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie de Grenoble, 5 Chemin Duhamel, La Tronche
- Yohan PAYAN, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Supervisor
- Grégory CHAGNON, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Co-Supervisor
- Christian GEINDREAU, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Examiner
- Aline BEL-BRUNON, Maîtresse de conférences HDR, INSA LYON, Examiner
- Karine BRUYERE-GARNIER, Directrice de recherche, Université GUSTAVE EIFFEL, Reporter
- Fabrice MORESTIN, Professeur des Universités, INSA LYON, Reporter
caracterisation ; modelling ; soft tissues
The aim of this thesis is to advance the mechanical characterisation of soft biological tissues through the use of classical methods and the development of original experimental devices. The methodologies are applied to the breast in this thesis, but could also be applied to other biological tissues.
The originality of this thesis is to propose both ex and in vivo measurement methods. The ex vivo mechanical tests are tests performed on post mortem samples. An experimental characterisation by uniaxial traction tests was carried out on a part of the breast that has been little studied and yet plays a major role in the mechanical structure of the whole breast: Cooper's ligaments. To test and analyse the classical assumption used in biological soft tissue modelling, namely the incompressibility of the tissues, a compressibility measurement device was developed and used to measure the compressibility coefficient of the different breast tissues. The results illustrate the low compressibility of the tissues and reinforce the need for precision in the choice of Poisson's ratios for these biological tissues.
Considering the limitations of post-mortem characterisations, an adaptation of characterisation methods in vivo biological tissue was developed in this thesis. A suction device for bilayer materials, allowing the measurement of Young's moduli, was developed and implemented for biological tissues and tested on healthy volunteers. The results of the method are conclusive and in accordance with the literature.
In the end, the set of mechanical characterisation methods developed during this PhD is transposable to all soft tissues.